a story of connection and community…
You may be surprised to hear that we actually don’t have “members” in our faith community. We realize there are many people who don’t care about religion, don’t believe in a God, or have been hurt by religious people. A central part of our identity is making sure we are a safe place where people can feel free to come and go in our community as they need. We are a place where you can explore, ask questions, and experience new things.
Some people who attend The Barn have been active with us for a few weeks or months, others have been with us for years. Still others visit with us at different times in their lives.
There are many different ways you can choose to connect “within” our community, and ways to connect “outside” with our broader community. Either way, we believe we are stronger together and “community” is that thing that brings meaning into your life, and/or the lives of others.

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”
― Maya Angelou (from her Facebook page January 11, 2013)